This page features a selection of courses I have taught. For more details on each course, please visit the UMD Department of Mathematics course page or Penn State Undergraduate Bulletin page.
University of Maryland
Computational Methods
AMSC 460Teaching Assistant
Basic computational methods for interpolation, least squares, approximation, numerical quadrature, numerical solution of nonlinear equations, systems of linear equations, and initial value problems for ordinary differential equations. Emphasis on the methods and their computational properties rather on their analytic aspects.
Introduction to Linear Algebra
MATH 240Teaching Assistant
Basic concepts of linear algebra: vector spaces, applications to line and plane geometry, linear equations and matrices, similar matrices, linear transformations, eigenvalues, determinants and quadratic forms.
Elementary Statistics and Probability
STAT 100Teaching Assistant
Introduces the basic concepts of statistical reasoning and modern computer based techniques for organizing and interpreting data. Students will learn how to summarize data, how to interpret variability in data in terms of probability, and how to apply statistical methods to examples. Real world applications from the social, behavioral and biological sciences are used to illustrate the usefulness of statistical techniques.
Applied Probability and Statistics I
STAT 400Teaching Assistant
An introductory course to probability, the mathematical theory of randomness, and to statistics, the mathematical science of data analysis and analysis in the presence of uncertainty. Applications of statistics and probability to real world problems are also presented.
The Pennsylvania State University
Data Structures and Algorithms
CMPSC 465Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
Fundamental concepts of computer science: data structures, analysis of algorithms, recursion, trees, sets, graphs, sorting.
Introductory Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy
ECON 104Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
Introduces macroeconomic analysis and policy, teaching students to apply economic tools to major issues like national income, unemployment, and inflation in a global context.