Spring System Optimization

This project addresses the optimization of a spring system consisting of 21 nodes and 24 springs. The goal is to minimize the total spring energy by adjusting the positions of the nodes while ensuring that certain nodes remain fixed on a hoop. The energy of the spring system is given by:

\[ E = \frac{\kappa}{2} \sum_{\text{s springs}} \left( |r_{\text{spring}[0]} - r_{\text{spring}[1]}| - r_0 \right)^2 \]

where \( \kappa = 1 \) is the spring constant, \( r_0 = 1 \) is the equilibrium length of each spring, and the sum is taken over all springs.


Two optimization methods were implemented to find the minimal energy configuration:


Figures below show the convergence behavior of both methods:

Gradient Descent Convergence

Figure 1: Gradient Descent convergence behavior.

Conjugate Gradient Convergence

Figure 2: Conjugate Gradient convergence behavior.

Final Configurations

Final Configuration Gradient Descent

Figure 3: Final configuration using Gradient Descent.

Final Configuration Conjugate Gradient

Figure 4: Final configuration using Conjugate Gradient.

Summary of Results

Method Final Energy Norm of Gradient
Gradient Descent 1.492451 2.32e-08
Conjugate Gradient 1.492451 7.48e-08

Final Node Positions

Final positions of the nodes obtained using both methods are summarized in the tables below:

Gradient Descent

x y
-2.1213 2.1213
0.0000 3.0000

Conjugate Gradient

x y
-2.1213 2.1213
0.0000 3.0000